False Turkey Tail

This has to be one of of the most common mushrooms I find all year round. A real stunner, however, nowhere near as highly prized as a ‘true’ Turkey Tail mushroom. False turkey tail is not poisonous, however, it’s not advised to eat by most sources. Mainly due to the fact that it’s wafer thinContinue reading “False Turkey Tail”

Wild Carrot

🥕I love a good carrot, many of the carrots that we have access to in the supermarkets are very bland in comparison to the real deal. The wild carrot root has such a strong carrot smell and taste.It is best to harvest the roots in their first year of growth as they are less fibrous.Continue reading “Wild Carrot”

Yellow Stagshorn

These guys are loud and proud, they entice you over to marvel at their beautiful. Looking like some lost coral from the reef that’s found it’s way to the woodland. Although they lack in flavour Yellow Stagshorns are edible and will elevate the appearance of almost any dish as a garnish. They have a veryContinue reading “Yellow Stagshorn”

Turkey Tail Mushroom

This is personally my most consumed mushroom. I have Turkey Tail Tea with other foraged ingredients on a near continuous cycle at home, all year round!You can find it growing in vast quantities in a single spot. It’s easy to dry out and preserve, even resting on the window seal works most of the time.Continue reading “Turkey Tail Mushroom”